The Summit in 1974


PRESS ROOM 1974: Game 3


by Vladimir Dvortsov
September 1974

If Toronto is considered a lucky for Team Canada town (they won in both Series by 4-1 in Toronto), Winnipeg brings luck to our players.

Interesting enough, Team USSR won here for the first time in the second Summit vs. Team Canada. We've managed to win here and not lose a game afterwards.

The game was full with goals with an 8-5 final score. Our team managed to get a scoring advantage really fast and not long before the end of the game the score was 7-2.

As soon as Team USSR got over confident, the score changed very fast to 7-5.

The "magic wand" of Team Canada 1972, Paul Henderson scored twice. Then, our players congratulated Maltsev who finally managed to score against Canadians for the first time in both Summits.

Kulagin was having fun. He even began to joke around:

"Before the game, I told our players 'Hey, it's time to start playing!' Can't you see the results?"




The Summit in 1974